by Pegasus International Language Academy

Online – all over the world

The world is growing together, so is its people! New markets, and new customers are easier to reach and are already waiting for you, but one thing is already clear: they need to understand you and you need to understand them.

Multilingualism is a key competence in the professional world. do you have a brilliant product or a fantastic service? Your customers need to know that, so you need to speak their language to explain it to them. Complaints are handled more easily, service works better, presentations succeed when you and your team are well prepared in the necessary foreign languages.

If you want to sell something, if you want to service your customers, if you want to retain your customers and increase your sales, you have to be able to communicate well with your customers.

We are an International Language School operating in the northern Italian area (we also do in house training with our teaching team) and worldwide with our online training program.

With a Pegasus language course we bring you to your goal, because with us the participants learn what they already need the next day.

Wir begleiten einige die besten Unternehmen in Südtirol und international bei diesen wichtigen Fortbildungsprogrammen. Mit einem Pegasus Sprachkurs bringen wir dich an dein Ziel, denn bei uns lernen die Teilnehmer das, was sie am nächsten Tag schon benötigen.

We offer business language courses for


Our training programs are developed individually for you and your company. We pay attention not only to the language level of the participants, but also to the department in which they work, the technical language they need, whether they communicate more orally or in writing, and which learning speed and didactic method is appropriate.

No self-learning platform, no computers checking your pronunciation, real Teachers with a lot of experience and empathy for you and your desires

How it works

In a first and free consultation, we will get to know what you expect from the language training, what time frame you have and how you envision the course in general.
Within a short period of time you will receive a detailed proposal from us.
If you like the proposal, we will quickly and efficiently organize your personalized language course, including an entrance test and course materials.
During the training we always pay attention to the satisfaction and motivation of the participants.
A final interview and a diploma for all participants completes the training.

Our teachers Team

Our teachers are competent, emphatic and quickly recognize the needs of the participants. A good language teacher will put his heart and soul into your situation and guide you to your goal with ease through practical training.

Types of courses

One-to-one training has a decisive advantage: we move forward faster. Ideal for managers and employees who prefer a flexible schedule, travel a lot and want to reach their goals quickly. Appointments can be made directly with the language teacher on a weekly basis, the content is adapted exactly to your level and the pace is based on your learning rhythm. The Ferrari among language courses.

Group training is more motivating, the participants do exercises together and can exchange ideas. Learning a language together creates a new team feeling. This can be enriching for the group and strengthen learning success. We have a clear requirement for our instructors: there has to be laughter.

All training modules can be held ONLINE, so you are location-independent and can hold your course even if you are on the road a lot or your employees are spread over different locations.

Pegasus International Language Academy

We have a network throughout Europe and can organise language courses for your desired language at your company anywhere in Europe.

Our strength in service

A fast and precise organization
A reliable contact person who will not keep you waiting
Masterful problem solving (if any arise)
A large network of language trainers
Level analysis and agreement on objectives, so we know where the journey is heading
Continuous evaluation with the participants to see if the group is still motivated and on the right track
Practical training, so that participants learn what they can use the next day
Certified, well trained and motivated teachers with experience
Are you curious? Contact us today and we will arrange a meeting.


New format, top results: For 6 colleagues with a lot of customer contact, we organised the “English for Breakfast” course with Pegasus. The group meets casually with the native speaker Nancy in the café, the topic of the meetings are exclusively tailor-made trade fair dialogues. Learning success is guaranteed by the trainer’s competence and by the materials she has designed especially for us.

Johanna Voss

Human Resources Development Fair Bolzano

After a short placement test, the course content was tailored to our knowledge and needs. Pegasus completely adapted to our working hours and organised the courses in such a way that it was possible for everyone to take part! Everything went smoothly! We all give high praise for the professional, flexible and first-class work of Pegasus!
Employees of Ingenieure

Patscheider & Partner GmbH

I got to know the work of Pegasus in our hotel. Due to the internationalisation of our guests, we are facing new challenges. I can highly recommend the tailor-made language courses from Pegasus.
Markus Untermarzoner

owner Waldhotel Tann

Wir haben schon mehrere Sprachkurse mit Pegasus organisiert. Uns gefällt die unkomplizierte Art, die schnelle Abwicklung und dass man schnell auf alle Anliegen eine Antwort bekommt. Die Referenten sind sehr kompetent und gehen auf die Bedürfnisse der Teilnehmer ein.


The Pegasus courses are always optimally and professionally organised. We have been working with Pegasus for years and are very satisfied.
Stefania Martinelli

Gruppo Despar

Some of our employees have had the opportunity to take a language course at Pegasus in recent years. From the organisation of the courses to the lecturers and the progress made by the employees, I can only report good things. Pegasus stands out above all for its professionalism, flexibility and straightforwardness. I also find the human manner very pleasant.
Egon Seiwald

Carron Construction



Business language courses


Language courses for individuals




39100 Bozen – Bolzano
Obstplatz – Piazza Erbe, 22

+39 0471 978875

Opening hours:
Mond. – Thursd.: 09.00 - 12.00 | 14.00 - 18.00
Frid.: 09.00 - 12.00
Tax no.: LNTMKS68S04A952I
VAT: 02465180210

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